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Harare recent comments:

  • KwaScoth, Tatenda (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    chingwa chemuscooter... tichidya ma niggerballs
  • Lochinvar, gp (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Prince Edward School, kevin (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Avondale Shopping Center - Rida, E C (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Marlborough High School, tafadzwa (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    its all ggood bulidings but no education
  • Donnybrook Motor Racing Circuit, watchingfromafar (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Once the fool is gone, is there any hope for this place? Is there anyone left who will use this place and not see it destroyed?
  • Nyandoro Primary School, anonymous (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    i miss this place runnig about as the prefect wut a great feeling and it will be an honor 2 see home again
  • Belvadere Primary School, kuda (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    its Belvedere Primary!
  • Pana Oliver Mtukudzi, Highfield Resident (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    The house indicated there is the wrong one, actually Tuku's parents owned (they are both deceased now) the house across the street from the one marked.
  • Catholic University in Zimbabwe, liby (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    i am so proud to be a student at this institution i love the school.very stable,friendly and just the best.
  • 4 Ridgeway South Urs Ettlin, Angelique JUNGO (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Hello Mister Ettlin... I am trying to find your contact details ;) Kisses Angelique
  • Jublee Field, oldboy_99 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    The best rugby/cricket field in Africa.
  • Avondale Shopping Center - Rida, GGG (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
  • Post Office, Takura (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    been there
  • Glen Norah B Flats, Takura (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    thats where i use to live, BIGGLE BIGGLE never thought i would see round here again!
  • Catholic University in Zimbabwe, Swwetman (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    good, stable and the very best in Zim. authorities need to move with speed however in developing the place and establish contacts and relations with employers for the students to derive maximum benefits.
  • Catholic University in Zimbabwe, Movers (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    small it maybe but i tell you it's the best and highly stable higher learning institution in Zimbabwe. i've been there from March 2003 - December 2006 and i can assure you i'm proud to be a product of CUZ coz i've so far excelled in everything that i do and my employer is proud of me.
  • Catholic University in Zimbabwe, (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    im a student at this University, small as it is i'm proud to say i am a product of this institution.
  • The Muchenje Residence, mayortendi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    home sweet home!!!
  • Eaglesvale Junior and High School, landz (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    best skool!no doubt about tht!!!